Servizi di immigrazione dell'asse Y

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postato su Aprile 10 2019

Conosci questi fatti sul visto per studenti svizzeri?

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By  editore
aggiornato Aprile 02 2024

La Svizzera è una destinazione di studio favorevole per gli studenti stranieri. Che sia per la bellezza paesaggistica, le eccezionali opportunità di lavoro o le impareggiabili opzioni di studio, la Svizzera è una delle principali destinazioni d'oltremare. Tuttavia, per migrare nel paese, gli immigrati devono acquisire il visto studentesco svizzero.


Let’s have a look at some of the important facts about the Swiss Student Visa.

  • Overseas Students need to prepare a cover letter before submitting the application. In that letter, they have to mention why they want to study in Switzerland. A convincing motivation to study abroad is a must to acquire the Swiss Student Visa.
  • Candidates should state how a Swiss Degree would help them build a successful career. This too should be convincing. The Immigration Officer should believe that you plan to go back to your country post studies.
  • Candidates should be able to present persuasive points like family ties, possessed assets in the home country, etc. The aim is to prove that Immigrants would eventually leave the country.
  • The cover letter needs to be printed and signed by the candidate. It doesn’t require any legal stamp or notarization.
  • Immigrants must carry academic certificates to the Immigration Office. Gli ufficiali verificheranno i documenti e restituirli.
  • Financial proofs are one of the mandatory documents for getting the Swiss Student Visa. Candidates must possess a minimum of CHF 25,000 in order to be eligible. However, this amount may vary from country to country.
  • Overseas Students need to deposit the required amount into a bank and present a balance certificate. However, at times, they are required to deposit the money into a Swiss Bank. Hence, this process is a bit tedious, as quoted by
  • Candidates can also show their family’s financial status. This may be achieved by presenting a chartered accountant statement. In India, one can easily get it for INR 10,000.
  • A sponsor letter from parents or the sponsor is a must. This letter should state the source of funds and the candidate’s relationship with the sponsor.
  • The sponsor must state their interest in funding education until the candidate notches up a Swiss Degree.
  • Two copies of all the documents should be carried along to the embassy.
  • The best aspect of Swiss Student Visa is that it is available for free of cost. Hence, if all the documents and information are convincing enough, Immigrants can get the Visa.

Y-Axis offre una vasta gamma di servizi di visto e immigrazione, nonché prodotti per aspiranti immigrati all'estero, tra cui, Curriculum Y-International (livello senior) 5+ anni, Y Lavori Abbonamento premium, Riprendi i servizi di marketing Uno Stato ed Un paese, Percorso a Y - Y-Path per professionisti con licenza, Percorso a Y per studenti e matricole, e Y-Path per professionisti che lavorano e persone in cerca di lavoro.


Se stai cercando di studiare, lavorare, visitare, investire o viaggiare in Uganda, parla con Y-Axis, la compagnia di immigrazione e visti numero 1 al mondo.

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